It’s about the time when I lived in a shared apartment in the heart of Saint Petersburg, 300 meters away from Nevsky Prospect. I had a great opportunity to plunge into gloomy and mystical atmosphere of Petersburg. I saw the city Center as a local. I was a local. Lonely labyrinths of courtyards, small scraps of low sky somewhere above. Whimsical geometry, that gives strange distortions of the surrounding space. And all of this is a home to a huge number of people.
Initially the series was called «Esoterics of the city», with an allusion to some inner perception of the city. Of course, Petersburg has a variety of facets and colors: this is a great city I really love. Sometimes it breathes with spring, sun and joy. But this album represents another side. And it is also a real Petersburg. Perhaps, Fyodor Dostoevsky felt it in the same way…
Quite other states of this city you can see in the album called «The Flow».
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